
  • Profile picture of kylowilliamson5

    kylowilliamson5 posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago

    Causes of Damp in Wardrobes

    There are usually two or three causes of damp behind a wardrobe. Dealing with these issues first solves the problem in most cases.


    Mold and damp can be caused by excess moisture in a particular area. A built-in wardrobe against an exterior wall effectively cuts off the area behind it from the rest of the room and does not receive the heat and air circulation it once received. In the trapped space, moisture can also build up if it’s still slightly heated, making it a prime habitat for mould. Having this problem with a free-standing wardrobe is also easy to solve by moving it away from the wall.

    Wet Clothing

    It is surprising how many damp closets are caused by clothes which have been hung nearly dry. In addition to adding moisture to the wardrobe, it might seem that they are dry enough to finish it off, but that is not the case. It will spread out and search for dry spots as soon as it is introduced. As a result, mold can grow easily in the closet, due to the combination of dark conditions and humidity.

    Other Causes of Damp

    You should check other parts of the property that may be causing damp in the bedroom if neither of these are responsible. Check Fitted Walk-In Wardrobes following for leaks that may be causing the damp:


    Leaking gutters

    Holes in the roofing

    High humidity in the home





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