
  • Profile picture of paulinaprice6

    paulinaprice6 posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    Empty Your Closet

    You are probably going to find some stuff shoved in a back corner that you forgot about if you’re used to stuffing clothes into your closet. Everything that may be on the floor or shelves must be removed from the closet, including hangers, baskets, bins, and anything else.

    Clean Every Corner

    When you reorganize your closet, you need to be able to plan and visualize the process clearly. The shelving and hanging rods should first be dusted. Vacuum or sweep the floor, then mop it. With a good all-purpose cleaner, wipe down the shelves, hanging rods, walls, and baseboards. Don’t forget any baskets and bins that might collect dust and dirt.

    Your clothes, shoes, and accessories should be decluttered

    It’s now time for the moment you’ve either been looking forward to or dreading. It may be that some people fear decluttering because they love holding on to things that may one day be useful or used to be fashionable. As part of the KonMari Method, you should focus on what to keep rather than what you should dispose of.

    In the process of deciding whether to keep something, it’s helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

    Do you love it?

    Do you wear it?

    Does it reflect the image you want to convey?

    This item can be confidently placed in the keeper pile if it answers yes to all three questions.

    Try creating a maybe pile if you’re having trouble. Make a maybe pile and revisit it in one, three, or six months. It is fine to donate or consign these items if you have forgotten about them or have never considered wearing them.

    Assess Storage Solutions

    Choosing the right closet storage solutions can be complicated. A few budget-friendly closet organizers will do just fine. Fitted Dressing Rooms are available, but most people won’t need to invest in such a system.




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