
  • Profile picture of karsynmoyer1

    karsynmoyer1 posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    The first step in preventing mould from returning is removing any mould that has already grown. Fitted bedroom units and wardrobes are more difficult since they cannot simply be moved away from the wall. Even so, hope remains, as you can still take steps.

    By drilling holes in the back of the wardrobe, you can provide some much-needed ventilation, which will allow excess moisture to escape. A constant low heat will also reduce the likelihood of damp forming in wardrobes.

    In case the problem persists after taking these steps, you may want to consider moving the wardrobe. There are other things that can be done to avoid the need to replace the wardrobe and carpet completely. In Bespoke Wardrobes to ventilating your bedroom, removing the bedroom doors will create an open style of storage that won’t cost you anything. There are some circumstances, however, where the damp is too extensive to save the fitted wardrobe. Free-standing wardrobes or open shelving might be more appropriate in these circumstances.




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